It's like you're screaming in a room, but no one can hear you.
Emma van den Bok

is a powerful 48 minute documentary which details the horrendous grip of anorexia.

It tells the story of Sydney-born Emma who, in her mid twenties, had everything a young woman could hope for; loving partner, family and friends, her own home, lots of travel, and a firm foothold in the career of her choice. Yet her new interest in fitness and a healthier diet unintentionally proved to be the catalyst for an eating disorder that would increasingly control her life for years to come.

Often described as a beautiful free spirit, Emma became completely imprisoned by her own mind. As her weight began to drop dramatically, she was coerced into lengthy stays at a specialist clinic for eating disorders, but her determination to control her diminishing food intake resisted all medical and psychological efforts.

With her heart rate alarmingly low, and her weight down to that of a six year old child, Emma almost lost her life several times. After her bleakest period in emergency intensive care, followed by a further 4 month stay in the clinic, she searched desperately for a different solution - anything that might begin to break the hold of anorexia.

SILENT SCREAM is not only aimed at those who are now gripped by anorexia, but also their family and friends who often feel powerless and depressed in its wake.

We also believe Emma's story will be of value to educators and health professionals, as anorexia remains a largely mysterious and misunderstood mental illness in our society.

If you've found this program valuable, we invite you to donate here. Money raised will be forwarded to organisations that are actively engaged in the research of eating disorders, and those providing support and education services.

Please direct all comments or enquiries via our Contact Form, thank you. ALL PROGRAM RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.

SILENT SCREAM is produced by